OpenPSA 9.9.0 Released


Divide and Conquer

The new OpenPSA release is continuing out long term trajectory of refactoring and moving to Symfony. Type safety continues to be improved, and more and more code is getting replaced by functionality from our dependency base.

A particular focus this time around has been on decoupling the various components from each other and from shared global state. This allows us to now offer individual components as separate Composer packages, which means slimmer, more performant installs. You can pick and choose from 30 components (which are continuously updated and have the same release tags as the main repo), and of course add your own!

Noteworthy functional improvements include support for cachebusting in asset loading, a greatly improved RCS frontend, and duplicate detection for groups. On the programming side, Datamanager’s subforms have seen many improvements in validation, UI and API, and a new color type.

The minimum supported PHP version is 7.3 for this release, and up to the latest 8.1. We switched from the deprecated doctrine/cache to symfony/cache, and also added support for solr 5.1+, PHPUnit 9, (most of) Symfony 6, and Monolog 2. Most JS dependencies have been updated to newer versions (elfinder, tinymce, fancytree, jQuery, fullcalendar).

Aside from that, there is the usual plethora of small optimizations, usability improvements, simplifications, and cleanups. We’ve also been contiuously increasing our test coverage and added more unittests. All told, the diffstat shows 1,352 changed files with 17,072 additions and 24,990 deletions.






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