OpenPSA 8.09.9 Released


A new version of OpenPSA was released together with MidCOM today.

Aside from the usual set of performance improvements and bug fixes, a number of new features has been added, for example some rather large enhancements to the invoicing workflow outlined here. There also has been a big number of fixes to the directmarketing module, making import of addresses, email sending and unsubscribe a lot more reliable.

The overhaul of the UI made good progress in this release as well, fixing some long-standing irritations and expanding interactivity mostly in the document management system. Last, but not least, there is a new journal/reminder functionality that allows you to add notes and reminders to every database entry that supports the relatedto system.




Published by Gustavo Blank on 08/12/10 12:10:33.

I like testing


Published by admin on 09/23/10 08:58:43.


you can test the software under

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