Say Hello to Midgard 2
It has taken some doing, but after a final round of fixes, the midgard instance running has been converted to Midgard2 12.09 and has been serving the very page you're viewing right now.
While there are a couple of newer projects that have been set up on Midgard 2 directly, for legacy systems, this is more or less a first. The database migration (of course facilitated by the fact that this instance used neither Multilang nor Sitegroups) has been done with the update script shipped in openpsa's tools folder. The website code is now organized after the fashion of midcom-project-template, and resides in its own repo on Github, so pull requests are possible and welcome.
Terrific Website, Preserve the beneficial job. Thank you so much.
Whoa, such a good web page.
Appreciate it for sharing this fantastic website. ’